Tuesday, February 5, 2019

ESL Vision Announces New Southeastern Regional Sales Manager

ESL Vision, a cutting-edge manufacturer of innovative LED lighting solutions, is pleased to introduce Sharon Carbone as the new southeastern regional sales manager. Carbone's addition to the ESL team comes as ESL continues its expansion into the eastern United States. Carbone officially joined the company at the end of 2018.

Carbone brings more than 15 years of experience in sales and sales management to ESL Vision. She began her sales career as an inside sales representative for Halco Lighting Technologies in 2003, after which she moved to outside sales. In 2011, she became the company's southeastern regional sales manager. After her time at Halco, she became the senior lighting specialist for United Electrical Sales of Georgia in February of 2018.

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"We are thrilled to welcome Sharon to the ESL team," said Michael Gleeson, managing director of ESL Vision. "Her knowledge of the southeastern lighting and electrical market is unsurpassed."

Carbone's primary responsibility will be managing ESL's external rep team and coordinating sales efforts as ESL plans the opening of its Atlanta-based distribution center. Her leadership will allow ESL Vision to more broadly provide time-, money- and energy-saving solutions for their clients in the eastern United States.

Carbone will work from Roswell, Georgia, and will be reporting to Stephanie Weaver-Reeves, national sales manager.

For more information, visit eslvision.com.

About ESL Vision
Founded on the principles of efficiency, quality and customer satisfaction, ESL Vision constantly works to deliver LED lighting products and systems that surpass today's industry standards while constantly innovating for tomorrow's demands.

Combining years of solid-state lighting design experience and a unique, patented installation approach, ESL Vision manufactures a complete line of innovative and efficient LED lighting solutions for virtually any retrofit, replacement or new lighting project. ESL Vision's products save time and money by eliminating many of the hassles of installation, reducing energy costs and qualifying end users for various utility company rebates and incentives. For more information, visit eslvision.com.


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