Sunday, May 20, 2018

Linket Has 4000 Users Owning 4800 Linkets

Linket Corp. has signed up 4000 users who own 4800 linket brands. This helps demonstrate the market demand for its product.

A linket is akin to a conventional domain name. But the linket is for live interactions via mobile devices (mostly cellphones) between the linket owner and another user. The latter user would pick (usually click) the linket on her phone. Leading to an install (with her consent) of a multiuser app that the linket owner had earlier picked to be associated with his linket.

Linket Corp. makes a Registry to enable this interaction. Currently an Alpha version of the Registry can be seen at the firm's website By picking the Registry button, you can scroll through or search the Registry.

The 4800 linkets in the Registry are mostly in English. But there are linkets in Russian, Chinese, Hindi etc. Unlike domains, which are still restricted to using the Roman alphabet. The Registry also shows that most linkets have white space and upper and lower case. It greatly improves the readability compared to domains.

Linket is a privately held C Corp based in Los Angeles. It has 2 US patents (one is a blockchain patent) and 11 patents pending.


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