Monday, November 26, 2018

From Neglect To Burnout: New Study Emphasizes Importance Of Employee Appreciation

There are a number of factors which can lead to the perfect storm that is burnout: An overwhelming workload, an emotionally draining job, a lack of job control and autonomy, or underdeveloped coping skills. However, there is one crucial yet avoidable component of burnout managers must heed: A lack of appreciation. Research from PsychTests reveals that dismissing the importance of verbal praise and gratitude for a job well done can have a significant and damaging impact on employee well-being.

Analyzing data from 7,050 people who took their Burnout Test, PsychTests' researchers focused their analysis on two distinct groups: Employees who feel appreciated at work and those who don't. Here is how they compared in terms of their risk for burnout:
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"The only thing worse than undervaluing the importance of appreciation is underestimating the consequences of a lack of it," explains Dr. Jerabek, president of PsychTests. "In our study, unappreciated employees were less satisfied with their job, and more likely to be suffering from physical and emotional exhaustion, two major symptoms of burnout. Moreover, 64% of them said they feel helpless, and this is a statistic managers should be particularly concerned about. When your staff has reached the point where they feel their efforts, their time, and their hard work no longer make a difference, things are already critical. This is when things will spiral (or snowball), with absenteeism, sick leave, and turnover."

"Part of this vulnerability to burnout could be associated with a lack of effective coping skills; 61% of the unappreciated employees said they take very little, if any time to relax, and 72% of them tend to keep their problems to themselves. So without an outlet to release the tension and without social support, employees increase their susceptibility to stress-related problems. However, management may be able to play a major role in offsetting the effects of stress. Showing employees that the company cares, that their hard work is appreciated, and offering praise and gratitude could lessen the psychological burden of a stressful job environment. If we know that symptoms of burnout are more likely to be found in people who feel unappreciated at work, then it stands to reason showing genuine appreciation could have a positive impact on staff morale. Genuine words of appreciation can be a powerful healing balm."

Want to assess your risk for burnout? Check out if you're in a service field and if you're in a non-service field.

Professional users of BSS - NSF - R2 (Burnout Symptom Screener - For Non-Service Fields - 2nd Revision) or BSS - SF - R2 (Burnout Symptom Screener - For Service Fields - 2nd Revision) can request a free demo for these or any other assessments from ARCH Profile's extensive battery:

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About PsychTests AIM Inc.
PsychTests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1996. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts (see The company's research division, Plumeus Inc., is supported in part by Research and Development Tax Credit awarded by Industry Canada.


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