Monday, July 15, 2019

Top Advice on how to Deal with Stress and Behaviourial Changes in Pets by Katzenworld

Most people with pets have been in the situation of seeing their beloved pet's behaviour change entirely. A once playful and friendly dog that turned aggressive or a cat that used to greet every visitor with cuddles hiding away under a cupboard at the slightest sign of noise.

As pet guardians it is terrifying to have to watch your pet suffer yet many people don't always understand what brings these behavioral changes around in their beloved pet companions.

Often such a change of behaviour can be linked back to changes in the enviroment. In fact, facing stressful situations is quite often the lead cause to the development of unwanted behaviours according to expert Dog & Cat Behaviourists. Additionally, according to a report by the PDSA, 66% of dog owners and 62% of cat owners reported that they would like to change at least one behaviour shown by their pet. This change in behaviour is the point at which pet owners should take notice to help pets overcome their uneasy feelings.

Read related news now.:

Katzenworld, the UK's top cat online publication, has recently spoken to the UK's feline experts Anita Kelsey and Clare Hemington accredited Feline Behaviourists who both confirmed when dealing with problematic behaviour in cats it's all about finding the underlying issue that's causing stress to the feline and to resolve it.

But what can owners do in the short term while resolving the root cause? Or what if removing the root cause hasn't brought the pet back to its natural state of mind? Most pets will take some time to re-adjust but pet guardians can help the process by using calming supplements such as our Zylkene calming supplem ent to help pets cope with stress and recover from it.

What is Zylkene?

Zylkene contains a natural ingredient derived from casein, a protein in milk. It is a molecule well known to promote the relaxation of new-borns after breastfeeding. Launched in April 2008, Zylkene has become a familiar product for veterinary surgeons, behaviourists, nurses and pet owners for use in helping pets cope when facing unusual and unpredictable situations or before occasions such as a change in their normal environment.

Zylkene comes as sprinkle on capsules which are easy to give to both dogs and cats as they can be mixed into their regular food or treats and also as tasty chewy treats. The product comes with clear instructions based on weight and only has to be given once a day. Ideally, pet owners should start giving their pet the supplement prior to potentially stressful events such as a house move but will work quickly for pets that are already suffering from stress.

What else can owners do to help their pet?

Recommendations for dogs:



Recommendations for Cats


Environmental enrichments – these are activities which aim to give cats a more diverse interest in their everyday lives such as:


For further details and interviews with feline experts, images or samples (limited quantities) please do get in touch through the contact details section.


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