Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Cardone Kern Agency Wants Business Owners to Know Social Media Marketing Works

International businessman and sales expert Grant Cardone partnered up with one of the most sought after Direct Response internet marketing consultants on the planet, Frank Kern to help elevate digital marketing across the globe. Cardone Kern is set to change the social media marketing game by crafting direct response offers that bring in sales.

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The sole desire of the Cardone-Kern Agency is to make sure it is literally the single most profitable investment a business makes, period. The agency is based off of one simple fact: if people don't know about a business, they can't become customers. Every business needs a social media presence. It doesn't matter if it's a local or a national company. Social media is without a doubt, an essential piece of a company's marketing strategy.

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Frank Kern, CoFounder of Cardone-Kern Agency said, "We take what a business does and customize a process for your message to get to the right people, in the right place, at the right time. We specialize in getting you more leads, more traffic, and more sales." Read this for more information.

Investing in social media marketing with Cardone Kern may be the missing link between a business and its consumers. First, the agency will work with each company to craft the perfect message and angle for their target market. Next, they will include a call to action, also known as the offer. Lastly, Cardone Kern will maintain the relationship businesses have with their followers and turn complete strangers into customers, quickly.

"When you combine my sales and closing techniques with Frank's proprietary way of funneling in leads, the result is exponential growth," said Grant Cardone.

Cardone Kern is only for people who already have an up and running business. They must be actively selling and must be willing to advertise. The agency will then create campaigns that will draw raving customers in droves to any company by figuring out the perfect message, then repeating that message on strategic platforms online as a lead-generating tool to capture sales that would otherwise be lost. Read this here.

For more information call 310.777.0255 or go to

About Grant Cardone: Grant Cardone is a NY Times Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur and Private Equity Manager with $1.2 Billion in Assets Under Management. In addition to this, he is known as the #1 Sales Expert in the world today and was called by Forbes Magazine one of the top CEOs to follow on Social Media. He currently owns and operates 7 companies that do $150m in annual sales and he recently launched the Grant Cardone Foundation, whose mission is to impact the lives of children who grow up without fathers.

About Frank Kern: Frank Kern is the creator of Behavioral Dynamic Response which is an automated marketing method that speeds up your sales cycle by customizing your marketing messages based on your prospect's behavior. He is one of the most sought after Direct Response internet marketing consultants in the world.


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