Sunday, March 3, 2019

On International Women's Day, Nonprofit CEO Reminds That Gender Equality Begins By Fighting World Poverty

Next Friday, as attention turns toward building a more gender-balanced world in recognition of International Women's Day, one organization -- Children International – is squarely focused on battling the number one problem that upsets that balance. Poverty continues to hold back the life progress and empowerment of women around the world.

All told, one billion children live in poverty. For girls raised in developing countries, growing up can be particularly harsh. Worldwide, 31 million girls ages 5 to 11 are out of school, and only three quarters of girls finish secondary education. The education outlook worsens in poorer countries, where only one third of girls make it that far and where the world's highest rates of child marriage occur. In Mexico, for example, traditional gender roles play a significant factor in educational outcomes: 83% of girls (under 18) who marry drop out of school, compared to just a 15% dropout rate for unmarried girls. Be alert to read related news.

Susana Eshleman, president and CEO of Children International, a global humanitarian organization, sees International Women's Day and its theme of #BalanceforBetter as an opportunity to raise awareness for bringing real and lasting change to the health and welfare of girls and all children living in poverty.

"Poverty keeps girls and young women trapped in situations where they have no power over their own lives," Eshleman said. "Having grown up in Argentina and traveled to every continent, I have seen the harsh reality of poverty. It deprives children of their fundamental rights to health, education and safety and squanders their potential. This is not OK with me."

In partnership with its supporters, Children International works to eradicate poverty by providing a long-term, holistic approach to invest in the lives of youth. The nonprofit operates 67 community centers in 10 countries, from Colombia to Zambia, with more than 9,000 volunteer and local staff who coordinate programs aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty. Currently, more than half of the participants in most programs are female, and a wide range of those programs are designed to give girls and women a fighting chance to take control of their lives and break the generational cycle of poverty.

"By providing education scholarships and job training, as well as teaching essentials such as preventive measures for substance abuse and reproductive health, we can make a difference in the lives of girls," Eshleman said. "For many, Children International is their transformative path out of poverty."

Founded in 1911, International Women's Day is a global day (this year on Friday, March 8) that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, while also marking a call to action for driving gender balance.

About Children International
Children International, based in Kansas City, Missouri, is a leader in the movement to eradicate poverty. From toddler to young adulthood, the organization surrounds kids with a caring team, a safe place and a clear path out of poverty through programs focused on health, education, empowerment and employment. Its supporters are inspired as they see children radically change their lives and create a ripple effect that impacts families and communities for generations to come. For more information, go to


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Say Hello to Armz, Gearbugs Corps.'s Latest Smart Toy Invention

Gearbugs Corp. just announced that they are raising funds via Kickstarter to finish the development and production of Armz, a smart toy that can be customized to play various types of game modes. The company set out to raise $10,000 on Kickstarter to finish development and produce the first batch of their latest smart toy invention.

Armz is a new, smart toy that is designed to be highly customizable. The heart and soul of Armz is the Smart Core™ which contains the motors and mechanisms that allow it to move, speak, and light up. In addition to the Smart Core™, Armz also comes with five different arm attachments that can transform the core into a personalized toy. Read all the related news.

Gearbugs Corp has also developed an app that will be available on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. By syncing the app to the Armz via bluetooth, players will be able to access multiple game modes that match one of the five attachments. The current lineup of game modes include the following: Remote Control Racing, Steering Wheel Racing, Sumo Wrestling, and Tank Battle.

While the gaming feature is one of the main features of Armz, it also meant to be much more than just a simple toy. When Armz is not out on the field for matches, it can be placed on its charging dock to serve as a mood lamp or night light. Users can also customize the voice of Armz with their own recording and program it to act as a virtual home assistant. Finally, a blockchain coding mode is also available to act as an educational tool to teach basic coding. Click here.

With all of the available features, Armz users are able to put their imagination to the test by referring to the blueprint on the application and creating their own side attachments via 3D printing technology. As users get more accustomed to Armz's capabilities over time, people may find that there are certain attachments that are not yet available that may enhance the performance of Armz.

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Armz is now available on Kickstarter with exclusive early bird prices starting at $95 (40% off retail value). After the campaign, Gearbugs Corps. anticipates manufacturing and delivery to be fulfilled by the end of August 2019. Any influencers or journalists interested in receiving a sample and reviewing Armz are encouraged to submit an inquiry through its Kickstarter page.


© Copy Right 2019 Jessica Brown's Press Releases.

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C3 Solutions Releases its F.O.O.D. Program Article Discussing the Emergence of Omnichannel Selling in the Food and Grocery Industry

The first F.O.O.D. Program article released by C3 Solutions, The Icing on the Cake: Making Omnichannel Grocery Seamlessly Smooth, discusses the various industry factors that are creating serious competitive challenges for food and grocery retailers; placing a special emphasis on the introduction of grocery e-commerce.

The C3 Solutions F.O.O.D. Program is dedicated to specifically support food and grocery industry leaders in their quest to becoming globally recognized as the cream of the crop. C3 understands that the grocery game is changing and in order to lead the pack, companies need strong and optimized operations.

For the last 20 years, C3 Solutions has dedicated its efforts to elevate operations through tailor-made and powerful Yard Management & Dock Scheduling technological platform.

The article can be downloaded here:

About C3 Solutions
C3 Solutions is an information technology company specialized in yard management (YMS) and dock scheduling (DSS) systems. Since its founding in 2000, C3 has gained the confidence of clients around the world and across many industries including retail, grocery, distribution, manufacturing and parcel post.

Headquartered in Montreal (QC), Canada and privately owned, C3 is dedicated to developing, implementing and supporting the most complete yard management and dock scheduling products on the market today.


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HexaGroup Launches TGS Website Featuring Advance Content Personalization

Continuing its 15-year partnership with TGS, a leading subsurface data company, HexaGroup has unveiled the fourth-generation TGS website, featuring a new data-centered design and technical implementation on the HubSpot Content Management System.

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Beyond its beautiful design and advanced user interface featuring many microinteractions, the website offers advanced content personalization capabilities. The website's full integration with the company's customer-relationship management (CRM) enables personalization on multiple levels. All visitors view a site customized to their geolocation and previous interaction with the site. Plus, a unique feature of the HubSpot platform allows personalization of the website based on visitors' data (such as job title and company) in TGS' CRM.

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As part of its content development efforts, HexaGroup conducted a ClustaarTM market analysis, HexaGroup's proprietary keyword research technology to determine the overall size, segmentation and competitive landscape of the geological and geophysical data markets. This analysis drove website content strategy to improve search engine ranking.

"Generally, any new site launch causes a drop in keyword rankings and traffic. We actually improved TGS' overall search engine positioning in two months after the launch," said Arnaud Dasprez, HexaGroup CEO.

HubSpot allows teams to integrate digital marketing by combining website maintenance, campaign landing page development, email marketing, social media publishing and advanced analytics in one platform.

A highlight of the website and the heart of TGS' subsurface data services is its interactive data library with a world map of seismic data. Visitors can search for a region or zoom anywhere on the map and view the current subsurface data for the area. HexaGroup enhanced the data library's visual presentation and organization to improve overall user experience.

About TGS
TGS is committed to providing the global energy industry with the right subsurface data, in the right place, at the right time, so that our customers can make informed drilling decisions.

About HexaGroup
HexaGroup is an award-winning digital marketing agency that blends marketing strategy and implementation, advertising, content creation, and interactive and website development. Based in Houston, Texas, we understand the challenges and opportunities in the nonprofit and art spheres.


© Copy Right 2019 Jessica Brown's Press Releases.

All information are taken from the news source. We do not promise anything nor take any responsibility for anything the news owner claim. We just share the news as is. You can contact news owner directly in the message for more information.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Professional Photographers of America Announces 2019 Board Composition

Beginning today, Professional Photographers of America (PPA) welcomes Illinois photographer Audrey L. Wancket, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, as its new president. Wancket begins a year-long term that extends through the end of February 2020.

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"It is an honor and a privilege to serve as president of Professional Photographers of America," Wancket said. "It is exciting to have this opportunity to give back to an organization that has given me so much over the past three-decades-plus, as I grew from a young professional photographer to one with a successful, thriving business."

Wancket takes over the position after serving last year as the Vice President. The new Treasurer, Mary Fisk-Taylor, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, ABI, API, began her service today as well. The previous Treasurer, Gregory Daniel, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, F-ASP, assumes the role of Vice President. The previous President, Stephen Thetford, M.Photog.Hon.M.Photog.Cr., CPP, assumes the role of Chairman of the Board and the previous Chairman, Rob Behm, M.Photog.Hon.M.Photog.Cr., CPP, rotates off of the Board of Directors.

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PPA has a lot planned for 2019 as the association celebrates its historic sesquicentennial celebration. "I am looking forward to working with our brilliant, caring Board of Directors and the dedicated, talented staff of PPA as we continue to encourage, educate, inspire and protect our 30,000 members," Wancket said. "As we celebrate 150 years at PPA, we know that this truly is the greatest photography association in the world."

The Board of Directors—all PPA members themselves—will shape the vision for the association until March 2020. Its members include the following:

Chairman Stephen Thetford, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, from Ft. Smith, AR
President Audrey Wancket, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, from Spring Grove, IL
Vice President Gregory Daniel, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, F-ASP, from Titusville, FL
Treasurer Mary Fisk-Taylor, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, ABI, API, from Richmond, VA
Director Barbara Bovat, Cr.Photog., from Claverack, NY
Director Clark Marten, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, from Billings, MT
Director Jeffrey Dachowski, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, from Bedford, NH
Director Kira Derryberry, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, from Tallahassee, FL
Director Mark Campbell, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, API from Wheeling, WV
Director Allison English Watkins, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, from Park City, UT
Director Pete Rezac, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, from Reno, NV, beginning his first term.
Director Kristen Kaiser from Morton, IL, beginning her first term.
Industry Advisor Michael Hanline from St. Paul, MN Read news here.

PPA is a nonprofit association and the board is an essential component of that designation, taking an active role in its legal and financial responsibilities, visioning and policy. Each member of the PPA board is an active, professional photographer and brings a unique set of skills and talents to the table, aiding PPA in a variety of areas. Each board member serves three two-year terms and becomes eligible to run for the executive board after completing their first term. Read all the latest news.

About PPA:
Professional Photographers of America (PPA) is the largest and longest-standing nonprofit photography trade association with a 150-year history. It currently helps 30,000+ pros elevate their craft and grow their business with resources, protection, and education, all under PPA's core guiding principle of bridging the gap between what photographers do as artists and entrepreneurs and what consumers want.


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CA Flower Mall Proudly Celebrates Women's Day 2019 with Holiday Flower Gift Ideas

"International Women's Day on Friday, March 8 is a holiday that goes far beyond the reverence of women's grace and beauty. It is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women around the world.
It's a day to show our appreciation for all women in our lives and to take shared responsibility for creating a gender-equal world. Giving Women's Day flowers to the ones we love on this holiday has been a symbolic expression of gratitude and appreciation. California Flower Mall wholesale flower market offers a city block wide variety of cut flowers, bouquets, plants and custom arrangements fresh from farms to celebrate and empower women. A gift of beautiful blooms will leave a lasting impact and make her feel like the special woman she is," says Vanina Trogolo, CFM spokesperson.

Women's Day has been celebrated over 100 years, according to the International Women's Day philanthropic consortium. The holiday embodies the spirit of equality, dignity, justice, and empathy. Today, the holiday is gaining momentum around the world as a platform for women and girl empowerment. This year's IWD global theme is #BalanceforBetter; it promotes the establishment of a gender-balanced world where everyone has a part to play.

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It is not a holiday for romantic gifts but an opportunity for both men and women to honor other women who deserve to be recognized. California Flower Mall's team compiled a list of flower gift ideas to celebrate the women in our lives:

Trogolo encourages people to show the women of the world that they truly matter on Women's Day. California Flower Mall proudly supports the women's movement and takes joy in this global celebration.

About California Flower Mall
The California Flower Mall, located at 825 San Pedro Street with parking at the 824 San Julian Street entrance, is one of the largest DIY wholesale flower markets in the ten block Downtown LA Flower District trade community — the largest concentration of wholesale flower markets and flower businesses in the U.S. It is located in the LA Fashion District Business Improvement District. CFM customer amenities include an ATM, cafe, customer restrooms, and on-site parking. CFM does not charge admission, no documents or a member badge are required to enter. For questions about flower availability and prices contact CFM vendors directly at


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© Copy Right 2019 Jessica Brown's Press Releases.

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Nike Five Star Running Camp Celebrates its 39th Year in Rock Hill, New York

The 2019 camp dates are August 11-16. Located in the southern Catskill Mountains, on the campus of Iroquois Springs, runners take country roads and have the opportunity to train at a nearby state park with awesome running trails.

Five Star Cross Country Camp is directed by tenth-year camp director, Coach Rich Furst. Coach Furst brings his "attitude is everything" philosophy each year to camp. His Warwick Valley (NY) High School Girl Harriers have won 14 Orange County championships, including a streak of 11 in a row. He has coached five NY State cross country champions, five Footlocker qualifiers and one Footlocker national champion. Since 2015 his Goshen teams have earned All-American honors at 2000m steeple chase middle school mile, All Canada 400m and have meddled in consecutive years in the Millrose HS girls 3200m relay. Coach Furst is also to be inducted into the New York Section IX.

The runs are planned as a mix of hard and easy workouts designed to bring each runner to a higher level of confidence and fitness. Guest speakers and coaches base every activity on the virtues of enthusiasm and inspiration and campers come away motivated and confident that they have learned much and are excited and ready to begin their new season.

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"Coach Furst is amazing! His passion for Five Star is relentless. Year after year, by camp's end, the chant we hear is 'We are Five Star!'," says Jan O'Connor, Executive Vice President of US Sports Camps. "Iroquois Springs offers an "old-fashioned" camp setting: in cabins, on a lake, wide lawns for games and rec. It is a perfect place to train and grow as a runner and as a person." Read this for more information.

This is a coed camp, for athletes ages 12-18 of all ability levels, offering six training days and 5 nights of motivational talks, videos and culture building group activities. It is truly an All-American experience. Read news here.

About US Sports Camps

US Sports Camps (USSC), headquartered in San Rafael, California, is America's largest sports camp network and the licensed operator of Nike Sports Camps. The company has offered summer camps since 1975 with the same mission that defines it today: to shape a lifelong enjoyment of athletics through high quality sports education and skill enhancement.

Players, coaches, parents and others interested in the 2019 Nike Running Camps can visit or call 1-800-645-3226.


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