From a young age, Celia Aily Carranza knew she was different. She spoke to the angels that surrounded her and guided her, and she had a unique ability to understand others. But toxic forces in her life kept her earth-bound like a caterpillar for four decades, cocooned in a cycle of the pain of abuse, trauma, and chronic illness. Caterpillars eventually emerge as butterflies, however, and Carranza slowly learned how to release her fears, heal her emotional wounds, and nurture her body – and like a butterfly, eventually emerge and soar.
How Celia Aily Carranza transformed decades of chronic emotional, physical, and spiritual trauma into a happy, healthy life is the focus of her new book, The Golden Butterfly: My Journey to Heaven on Earth – published on August 15, 2018. The book offers hope to women struggling with seemingly insurmountable challenges – in health, mind, or spirit – and welcome guidance to help them heal and find their own heaven on earth. Carranza is a certified health coach, patient advocate, and co-owner of The Natural Remedy Store in San Antonio, Texas.
Says Carranza: "It sounds like the plot of a telenovela, but I've been through the murder of my father, the untimely deaths of many loved ones, sexual abuse, rape, kidnapping, a dangerous first marriage, flatlining during the birth of my daughter, cancer, thyroid disease, gaining 100 pounds, and so many other challenges. I wrote The Golden Butterfly to encourage and empower other women to triumph over their adversity and emerge happy and whole."
In The Golden Butterfly, Carranza not only shares her story, but details the specific approaches – ranging from meditation, energetic healing, spirituality, trauma resolution, cutting cords to toxic people, nutritional changes, self-care, and the support of loved ones she calls "earth angels"– that she used to helped her regain her voice, and find health and peace.
Says Carranza: "Women are often conditioned to give up our power, to lose our voices, and to accept abuse and illness as somehow a deserving fate. Like many women, I spent decades not speaking up for myself. But when you face your past honestly, and take care of yourself – body, mind, and spirit – you can heal, regain your voice, and then, most importantly, USE it to advocate for yourself. I'm evidence that every woman HAS the power and voice inside her. Every woman HAS the ability to soar like a butterfly above even the worst situations to find true healing and her own heaven on earth." Read here.
The Golden Butterfly is available at and Barnes & Noble online, at select San Antonio bookstores, and at The Natural Remedy store, located at 1713 SW Military Dr in San Antonio, and the store's website, The book can also be ordered by telephone by calling The Natural Remedy Store toll-free at 1-877-543-3501. More information is available at the book's website: A Spanish-language edition of the book – titled "La Mariposa Dorada: Mi Viaje Hacia el Cielo en la Tierra" -- will be released in September 2018.
Author Appearance at The Twig Book Shop in San Antonio, September 5, 2018
Carranza will be doing an author reading and book signing for The Golden Butterfly at San Antonio's popular bookstore, The Twig, on Wednesday, September 5, 2018, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The Twig is located at 306 Pearl Parkway in San Antonio's Pearl District. More information is available at the Twig's website at
About Celia Aily Carranza
Celia Aily Carranza is a mother of two, and an Integrative Health Coach and Advocate, Medical Intuitive, and Co-owner – with her husband Eduardo Carranza - of The Natural Remedy Store in San Antonio. Carranza has a degree in Health Care Management and is working on a master's and doctoral degree in Metaphysical Science. The Carranza family lives in San Antonio.
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