"The O'Connor Sisters Trilogy" follows three sisters as their lives turned upside down when Catálan O'Connor witnesses a drug lord murder one of his minions. Catálan, her identical twin Esperanza as well as their younger half-sister Olli Rose are all accomplished in their respective professions. However, the twins have a face that is recognized around the world. How will the FBI hide these three women?
In "Love Behind the Mask: Book Two of the O'Connor Sisters Trilogy" (published by Trafford Publishing), Raj Lowenstein tells the story of Esperanza Ricardo Maria O'Connor as she is whisked from her home in Naples, Florida, to central Minnesota, where she falls under the protective custody of Kyle Moran. Heavily disguised, Esperanza and Kyle clash as Kyle struggles with his demons, while Esperanza struggles to keep from losing her heart.
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"I think that 'Love Behind the Mask' will appeal to readers because they will be able to watch the relationship between O'Connor and Moran as it goes from distrust to something unexpected," Lowenstein says.
"Love Behind the Mask: Book Two of the O'Connor Sisters Trilogy" aims to make readers realize that things are not always what they appear to be, and sometimes the heart knows more than the mind can understand.
To purchase a copy and know more details about the book, visit https://www.amazon.com/Love-Behind-Mask-OConnor-Sisters/dp/1490790187.
"Love Behind the Mask: Book Two of the O'Connor Sisters Trilogy"
By Raj Lowenstein
H ardcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 298 pages | ISBN 9781490790206
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 298 pages | ISBN 9781490790183
E-Book | 298 pages | ISBN 9781490790190
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Raj Lowenstein lives with her husband and boxer/husky mixed-breed dog in the Pacific Northwest. Their three children and three grandchildren live in Colorado and Texas. She has a bachelor's degree in American Sign Language with a minor in Jewish studies from the University of Houston. More details about the author, her books and upcoming events can be found at http://www.rajlowenstein.net.
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