Saturday, August 25, 2018

LPG Endermologie® Treatments Announced as Solution to Post-Pregnancy Body Changes

Perfect for new moms looking for an all-natural solution to stubborn belly fat, changes in body shape and sagging skin, LPG endermologie® treatments can help tone the skin and boost slimming.

More info here.:

One hundred percent natural and effective, LPG endermologie® is a non-invasive and non-aggressive massage-based beauty treatment which reduces the appearance of cellulite and tones the skin using an FDA cleared and patented device.

Read related news here.:

Being a mother is a full-time job, making it very difficult for new moms to bounce back to their pre-pregnancy figures. Endermologie® sessions range from 15-35 minutes, with no known side effects, allowing moms to pop in and out of the treatments feeling relaxed and ready to get back to their little ones.

As pregnancy is accompanied by significant hormonal changes, weight gain, and stretching of the skin, a mother's body can appear very differently after childbirth. Endermologie® treatments can assist new moms in an all-natural and pain-free way.

Stretching of the skin caused by the child's growth within the abdomen and the inevitable pregnancy weight gain, unfortunately, can lead to loose and/or sagging skin. Endermologie® treatments will help to tone and smooth the skin.

Additionally, endermologie® treatments often produce slimming results. Once hormone stability is reached after childbirth (generally 2 cycles after periods have resumed), endermologie® treatments play an important role in targeting stubborn fat cells, especially those resistant to diet and exercise.

After a C-section, mobilizing tissue is essential to the healing process, as the body can naturally create a barrier within the skin which prevents circulatory and cellular exchanges, leading to fat storage. Endermologie® is a painless solution that helps to soften tissue and mobilize fluids. Read all the latest news.

The unique vantage point of endermologie® is that it is 100% natural, safe, and FDA cleared. Many body sculpting technologies use painful treatments that involve killing cells, while the endermologie® technology is a pain-free, non-aggressive treatment, which many people find relaxing.

Endermologie® uses mechanical cellular stimulation to target dormant cells and cellulite dimples, toning the skin, targeting fat*, and smoothing cellulite. This service is delivered via an Endermologie® machine, which has a roller and suction system that a specialist uses to treat customers.

EndoSystems, LLC, the exclusive distributor of LPG endermologie® products in the U.S., has grown the popularity of the non-invasive cellulite treatment to many doctors, med spas, and medical practices nationwide. For more information, visit the Endo-Systems website or call (866) 374-9401 ex: 2896 for a free consultation today.

*Use of microdialysis technique to assess Lipolytic responsiveness of femoral Adipose tissue after endermologie®. Lafontan M. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2008, 22, 1465-1470


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