Greenleaf Farms™ produces, manufactures, and distributes all organic CBD-based products derived from industrial hemp, which are legal in all 50 US states.
The CBD products marketplace is currently in an unadulterated boom context, which means rapidly rising demand, but also a rapid growth in competitors seeking to capitalize on the blossoming trend of mainstream consumer adoption of CBD.
Because of this context, Greenleaf Farms™ found itself in need of a strategy to differentiate itself from competitors through a richer and more powerful connection with its site visitors driven by personalized messaging able to engage new customers without "spamming" them with overbearing ad-driven tools.
Greenleaf Farms™ A Vertical Farm-to-Shelf CBD Leader: Greenleaf Farms™ is not a typical "fly-by-night" white-label CBD brand that popped up yester day with a logo ready to stick on some other company's CBD before passing it off as a premier product. Greenleaf Farms™ has been in business since 2014. All of its products are made in the US, and it intends to keep it that way. The company is dedicated to becoming the premier hemp brand producer, wholesaler, and retailer targeting both domestic and international markets.
Getting a Foothold in the Boom: Greenleaf Farms™ came into the game knowing it wanted to do things in a certain way – to offer a better path for CBD consumers and the mainstream adoption trend by vertically integrating a premium process with a farm-to-shelf model capable of assuring consumers of the highest possible assurance of quality.
The company has built a lean mean marketing team, to compete with muscly firms large agencies that have huge marketing budgets. How does a small team with a grand vision make waves as the tide comes in? Leadership at the company made a very smart move: focus on technology and messaging. At the end of the day, building a connection with prospective consumers is all about engagement. That smart step has already led to huge growth in results.
The key to the puzzle Greenleaf Farms™ had to solve was embedded in the choice about how to effect such a strategy. Conventional channels for marketing in this manner, including email and display, necessarily would constrict the company's ability to engage its new leads in a personalized manner. That led to a push for browser notifications. From there, the move to a scalable, personalize strategy that could automate a powerful level of engagement engaged on Get Push Monkey.
Push Monkey web push notifications resulted in a simple process that enabled a rapid growth in key analytics. Within weeks, Greenleaf traffic-to-sales ratio increased overall.
"Get Push Monkey presented a new path that completely revolutionized our approach. We were stuck in the most common bind: assaulting our prospective leads with low-engagement, generic, annoying media over email. But Push Monkey presented a different direction, and our results started to chart a new course. Now we have better analytics and a new world of engagement." – Stanley Abbott, CEO, Greenleaf Farms™
Personalized Messaging Powers Customer Engagement: Greenleaf Farms™ began implementing a new strategy immediately following a shift to the Push Monkey web push notification toolbox. The results were visible within days: engagement increased relative to email and ad strategies, conversion rates soared, repeat customer visits increased materially, and overall sales moved to a new trajectory well above its prior path.
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The company's strategy allowed for far more effective use of deals and promotions based on economic value because the message of quality could be meaningfully reinforced by a personalized messaging conduit for communication the values that lay at the heart of the company's vertically integrated premium-quality system of production.
In other words, the Push Monkey process allowed for contextualization of the message. Assumptions about product quality and genuine value could be managed as the engagement process widened the channel for nuanced communication.
Recycling Lost Leads and Salvaging New Sales: Another immeasurable advantage for an ecommerce client switching over to top web push notification provider like Push Monkey is the ability to rescue new sales from the jaws of abandoned carts. By establishing and reinforcing the engagement process through targeting algorithmic personalized messaging, Greenleaf was able to materially claw back on lost leads by retargeting abandoned shopping carts. Read this for more information.
"One of the big keys to the process is a new flexibility for segmentation of leads. It turns out that an effective push messaging strategy can mine abandoned shoppers for new sales in a win-win process that benefits both the company and the shoppers who suddenly remember and recover a passion for our products," continued Mr. Abbott.
The buying cycle has become lengthened in duration, allowing for a new window of messaging to impact consumer behavior by targeting perceptions with effective contextualization tailored to each individual's preferences and needs.
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Great Results Through Real-Time "Retargeting" and Personalization: Retargeting leads can prove a game-changer through push notifications, especially when they are powerfully undergirded by a robust platform, such as Push Monkey. The Greenleaf team made full use of this option, enabling it to target users in real time, rather than employing a lag. This worked like a charm, triggering the most effective psychological response through context-appropriate content, powering up sales. Read all the latest news.
By shifting from a lagged daily retargeting method to a real-time context-conditional system accounted for a big jump in transactions trackable to push notification engagement, joining assisted conversations in vastly outperforming email marketing tools across every key data point.
"There's no question: GetPushMonkey has delivered far more impressive results than we were prepared to see. The campaigns have been extremely easy to design and implement, and the impact is irrefutable. This is putting Greenleaf on an entirely different trajectory as we capitalize on a much larger percentage of our total leads!" – Stanley Abbott, CEO.
The Right Solution at the Point of Greatest Impact: Push Monkey data suggests that conversion rates are increased by as much as a factor of five relative to paid promotional campaigns. Greenleaf has seen a bump of nearly 5% directly attributed to Push Monkey notifications as the web push notification strategy continues to drive results with scalable implications.
Alerts related to special pricing, promotional values, sale pricing, and new product offerings have all been enhanced and deployed as personalized, context-conditional messaging with real-time impact as Greenleaf implements and leverages the Push Monkey advantage with great effect, driving an accelerating curve of positive growth.
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