Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Survey: How Brands Use Social Media Giveaways

According to a new survey, "How Brands Use Social Media Giveaways Today", Facebook giveaways are the most popular type of contest on social media. 25.7% of respondents carry out giveaways exclusively on Facebook. However, a more common strategy is to run giveaways on both Facebook and Instagram: 45.5% of brands use both networks to organize contests.

In total, 92.6% of all survey respondents organize giveaways on Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg's social network continues to be the most popular choice for brands. Instagram is the second most popular social network for giveaways, used by 67.5% of survey respondents. However, only 6.1% of brands run giveaways exclusively on this network.

Twitter comes in third, used by 20.6% of brands. But most brands only run giveaways on Twitter in combination with other social networks. 13.5% of brands regularly organize giveaways on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Overall, 66.8% use more than one social network to run giveaways and promotions.

Simultaneous and combined giveaways
55.8% of brands run simultaneous giveaways on multiple social networks, mostly on Facebook and Instagram (43.1%). A further 10.9% run contests which combine followers from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And 4.7% organize simultaneous giveaways for Facebook and Twitter. However, we should not overlook the 44.2% of survey respondents who never run simultaneous giveaways.

"55.8% of brands run simultaneous giveaways on multiple social networks"

At Easypromos, we have seen a new demand from giveaway organizers, often social media managers and marketing strategists. "Brand communities on social networks are not as divided as we think," says Carles Bonfill, CEO of Easypromos. "Social media giveaways started on Facebook, but now they are common on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. And community managers and social media managers have been very innovative in their efforts to join forces and treat these communities as one."

"The regular use of giveaways depends on the maturity of the brand's social media strategy, on the product or service which it sells, and its capacity to create and share incentives," says Bonfill. "Everyone loves prizes, and everyone is on social media. That creates an opportunity for brands to organize regular giveaways on social media, to have a lively and engaged community online."

That's one reason why the concept of the multi-network giveaway has become so popular, and why the leading platform for online giveaways and contests has created a new app to support brands which run giveaways across multiple social networks. When brands were asked for the main reasons why they run simultaneous giveaways (or plan to do so), the most common motivation was to satisfy all their online communities (41.6%). Making the giveaway easy to design and plan was also a strong incentive.

Frequency of giveaways
32.5% of brands organize one giveaway a month on average. Almost as many brands (28.6%) organize less than one giveaway a month, but run several contests throughout the year. Click here.

Main benefits of social media giveaways
Increasing followers is still one of the main motivations for organizing giveaways, although Facebook no longer permits contests based on likes. 64.8% of survey respondents list this as one of the greatest benefit of social media giveaways. The other most popular benefits are increasing brand visibility (62.2%) and increasing social media engagement (58.7%).

Half of the brands surveyed regularly invest in publicity for their giveaways. 33.9% will invest more than 50€ per giveaway. Another 16.9% will pay to promote every giveaway, but spend less. 35.2% of giveaway organizers only invest in publicity sometimes, while 14% will not pay to promote giveaways at all.

For more detailed statistics, charts, and analysis, visit the Easypromos blog.

About Easypromos:
Founded in 2010, Easypromos is a leading platform to create and organize digital campaigns. It counts on experience from over 450,000 campaigns, for clients in over 114 countries and 30 languages. Easypromos has an average of 2 million monthly active users, and offers 21 different types of promotion, including giveaways, photo contests, video contests, quizzes, surveys, coupons, promotional codes, voting contests, and more. The Easypromos platform is recognized as trustworthy, easy to use, and compatible with all social networks and devices. It empowers brands and clients to run independent campaigns. Read this for more information.


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