Thursday, January 17, 2019

Avitus Group Announces 2019 Ambassadors; Names 14 Employees to Represent Company Nationwide in Local Communities

"The Avitus Group Ambassador Program is a community of professionals who spend a life-changing year together working, volunteering in their local communities across the United States and growing both personally and professionally," says Avitus Group Ambassador Committee Member and Public Relations Manager Dianne Parker. "Our committee is excited to announce the 2019 group of ambassadors, as well as the highest performing 2018 ambassadors who will continue on as alumni and stay connected and engaged with their local communities, clients and co-workers. The alumni also serve as mentors for the next class of ambassadors"

2019 Avitus Group Ambassadors include: J.J. Hutzenbiler, Aleena Garey, Emily Reynolds, Sarah Gunn, Kendra Hatch, Shelby Nicholls, Shanice Dawson, Nicole Feriani, Lori Wetherington, Jessica Hernandez, Krysten Garduno, Alex Mozota, John Horton and Susie Hawkins. The ambassadors represent offices from across the U.S. including Billings, Montana; Anchorage, Alaska; Fairbanks, Alaska; Denver (Aurora,) Colorado; Springfield, Missouri; and the Kansas City area (Mission, KS). For complete ambassador profiles, visit the community page on the Avitus Group website. Read related news now.

2018 Alumni Ambassadors include: Andrew Lindley, Peter Green, Russ Morris, Jacki Elliott, Macy Krzyznieski, Dayna Ott (2018 MVP Ambassador), Melanie Seiter, Dave Reynolds and Dedria "Spoon" Barker. They represent offices in Billings, Montana; Denver (Aurora,) Colorado; Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Anchorage, Alaska. For complete alumni ambassador profiles, visit the community page on the Avitus Group website.

Each ambassador is encouraged to select key ambassador projects that are designed to focus on three key areas: work, volunteer and grow. The program's inaugural group of ambassadors in 2018 lead the way in helping 60+ community organizations nationwide via volunteer efforts. The program provides ongoing opportunities for each class of ambassadors.

"It has been my pleasure to represent Avitus Group in my local community over the past year, and to enrich the lives of others while doing so. I am humbled to be part of a group of like-minded professionals who strive for excellence in the workplace, and are selfless in giving to others. So much of what I have involved myself in has brought a renewed sense of purpose to both my work and home lives, and for that, I am eternally grateful," says Avitus Group Alumni Ambassador Macy Krzyznieski.

More info here.:

"The Ambassador program has been an amazing experience for me. This is the first time I have seen a company invest in its employees in this manner, allowing us to reinvest back into our workplace and community," says Avitus Group Alumni Ambassador Russ Morris.

The ambassador program is designed to provide opportunities for employees to become more involved in employee programs, to show appreciation for the company's clients, to volunteer in local communities and help change the world one volunteer project at a time, and to pursue continuing education and certifications to grow both personally and professionally.

"A limited number of ambassadors are selected for this prestigious program each year and we are extremely proud of our ambassadors as they represent all of us here at Avitus Group," says Avitus Group Ambassador Committee Member and Anchorage Operations Director Dee Hudson.

"Our ambassadors are making positive impacts across the globe, and we're grateful to have the power of this program helping to carry out the vision of our company. Our vision is to listen, serve and show appreciation to create an extraordinary service experience for our members, internally for our team members and for the communities we serve. We have created a culture where we always strive to provide an extraordinary experience," says Avitus Group Alumni Ambassador and Vice President of Operations Andrew Lindley.

About Avitus Group
Avitus Group is a worldwide company that simplifies, strengthens and grows businesses by providing 'back office' support (payroll, accounting, taxes, recruiting, information technology, human resources and much more). When a business uses Avitus Group, all of the necessary yet burdensome functions of the business become Avitus Group's responsibility, so the business can focus on what it does best. Avitus Group serves clients nationwide through regional office locations from coast to coast. The company also serves international clients through partner locations. Read here.


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