Monday, May 28, 2018

Shattering Happiness Myths, by Jose Gomez, MD

The U.S. has fallen from fourteenth to eighteenth place in the World Happiness Report. With the launch of his new book, The 7 Secrets to a Happier Life, Jose Gomez, MD, wants to shatter the myths that keep people unhappy and teach them how to create a happier life.

Read this for more information.:

Popular myths include:

Don't be fooled into thinking that if you had all of the above you'd be happier. Studies show that the above things increase because of happiness and not necessarily the other way around. Read all the latest news.

Scientific research by Positive Psychology discovered that challenging situations only account for 10% of someone's unhappiness. So, even if you can't let go of the idea that the popular myths play a role in your level of unhappiness, repeated studies show that all of those external reasons play a small role. Read related news now.

That's good news if your level of happiness is lower than desired. And if that describes you, don't feel like you're alone. A recent Harris Poll surveyed U.S. adults, and only 33% of them reported being very happy.

However, you can learn to be happy. No one is destined to be unhappy. Specific skills and habits can add to your level of happiness the moment you begin practicing them. And they're things that everyone can learn and use for a lifetime.

When you learn the skills needed to create more satisfaction, meaning, and joy in your life, you may also experience:

With over forty years of practice, Dr. Jose Gomez condensed what you need to know into seven secrets that are easy to learn and use. You can find them in his new book, The 7 Secrets to a Happier Life.

Visit to order your copy, learn the seven secrets, and start creating a happier life today.


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